My Free Love & Astrology Newsletter Will Help You Discover:
- The truth about compatibility (there’s way more to it than you think!)
- How to create spiritual attraction – the kind of soulmate knowing that tells him you’re THE ONE
- 5 common myths about your SUN sign (and his!) and why they could be keeping you single
- How your “astrological seasons” work… and when TRUE LOVE will come for you (and when it’s blocked…)
- How to recognize astrologically “afflicted” partners who can’t meet your needs (it’s not your fault, and these guys aren’t worth it!)
- The 7 secrets to communicating with a man that will make him more supportive and affectionate (even when you share difficult feelings or ask for more)
- How your Moon Sign is the key to your love life, and what it reveals about lasting romance in your relationship
My Free Ebook, Becoming The Woman Your Dream Man Wants, Will Teach You:
- The Top Three Reasons a high-caliber woman like you would have a low-caliber romantic life – how to turn these around… pgs. 4 – 5
- Why bending over backwards and doing whatever a man wants, will virtually GUARANTEE he won’t marry you – once you understand WHY you’ll never do this again! pg. 48
- How to get your “mind right” before you can find THE ONE. pgs. 9 – 18 (‘cause really, this is a BIG piece of the pie and can’t be explained quickly!)
- Why every time you think of HIM you’re literally creating brain pathways dedicated to HIM – how to “refire” and “rewire” your brain to work FOR YOU to keep you on track and leave the dead-end loves of the past behind… pgs. 13 – 15
- How to know if it’s okay for you to call a man first – ‘cause sometimes men (but only CERTAIN men – I’ll help you to tell if a guy’s one of these or not) will be so glad you did… pgs. 43 – 44
- Why having a “spiritual” connection with a man can lead you to HUGE heartbreak – what to do… pgs. 29 – 31
- How to QUICKLY TRUST what you REALLY know in your gut about a man – and instantly cut through all of your brain chatter and doubts (‘cause we always know, don’t we?) so you can focus on the RIGHT men and avoid the WRONG ones… pgs. 31 – 36
- Learn how to go from a “soup kitchen girl” (taking a man’s crumbs – or worse, starving for love…) to a “banquet babe” (in which the world is FULL of TONS of great men at every turn for you to choose from). pg. 6
- Why all those best-selling books that say to NEVER make the FIRST MOVE with a man are DEAD WRONG, and why it just might get you married! I’ll tell you the best way to approach men you’re attracted to… pgs. 43 – 46
- How to let a man reveal himself so you’ll know if he’s generous enough and MAN ENOUGH to be the one for you… pgs. 46 – 47
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