Your Chart Can Actually Reveal Why You’re Still Single
Why Knowing Your Archetype Will Help You Get The Love Life You Want
Good News! Although Your Archetype Can Block Your Love Life, You Can “Unblock It” Once You Learn How

All Women Are One of Five Archetypes, But the Difference Is That The Happily Married Women Have Something You Don’t, And It’s the One Thing You NEED In Order To Really Connect With Your Soulmate
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What Knowing Your Archetype Will Tell You…

You Can Get Past Your Archetype – Here’s How I Can Help…
But, if you’re not great at meeting men, flirting, or internet dating, but you’re confident and happy with your life, then you still might have a really hard time meeting a great guy because you won’t know how to spark his interest or even where to find him in the first place. So you’ll need to learn certain “outer skills” like where exactly to go to run into a lot of available men, how to flirt effectively, how to set clear boundaries, and how to spark intense attraction in a man.
Therefore, in “Single Syndrome” I not only help you discover and overcome the love-blocking forces of your archetype, I also cover the best “real-world” advice about men, dating, and attraction, along with the best “spiritual tools” you can employ to ramp up your love life…. Here are some highlights of what you’ll learn...- Learn to read your astrology chart and diagnose the love-blocking archetype contributing to keeping you single – what fears it creates, what subconscious behaviors you have as a result, and what actions you need to take to shift beyond this (and what kind of man you need to be happy!).
- The 1 thing you must know that will dramatically improve your experiences with men from now on! (Seriously – this needs to be taught to junior high school girls the world over. Most women do exactly the opposite and then wonder why they get disappointed again and again.)
- The 4 top ways to meet the man you’d want to marry (and no, one of them is not internet dating…). I meet single women every day who aren’t doing ANY of these, because it never occurs to them – significantly lowering their odds of finding HIM.)
- How to let go of the past through specific exercises and quizzes, so you can open your heart to love in the present.
- How to eliminate your limiting beliefs by actually altering your neural pathways to literally change your brain and the way you think.
- The 2 different attitudes about men and dating, and why having one of these attitudes is actually dooming you to a life of unhealthy relationships or settling for the WRONG MAN.
- How to make the best first impression on a man, building a lot of attraction and intrigue as soon as possible, so he doesn’t lose interest or stop calling.
- Everything you NEED TO KNOW about each of the 5 single astrological archetypes, what each one is motivated by and afraid of, and specific action steps of what to do to “cure” yourself of its affliction.
- Why being so happy with your life without a major relationship is a bad thing and could keep you needlessly single for years, possibly forever…
- The results of a major academic study on why some people are lucky in love and how it’s been statistically proven that anyone can learn to be lucky in love. (Even you!)
- Beautiful, ancient Sanskrit mantras you can recite to help you heal your “energy body” and attract your “ideal other.”
- Why you must make the first move with men – and how not doing so could be keeping you from meeting your husband.
- Shocking sociological truths about men that will bust the limiting lies most women believe that keep them from love. (Hint: men need relationships more than women do!)
- Why wanting to get married isn’t shameful – it’s critical if you’re going to actually end up married…
- The fact that marriage is a universal need – found in every civilization and indigenous culture in the history of the world.
- A powerful shamanistic ritual to get the energy of any man you’ve ever been with out of your system, so you can GET OVER HIM immediately.
- The top 2 reasons men stop calling women – quit making these common mistakes so they keep calling you.
- The truth about OPTIMISM and what it has to do with getting married, and how you can easily become more optimistic – leading you to be more successful in every area of your life.
- Why women are more prone to having anxiety, fear, and depression, and how to uplift your natural tendency to have “stinking thinking” and ENJOY YOUR LIFE – and your love life – more than ever before.
- How to avoid the common problems that make so many people hate internet dating – and how to have a winning strategy to get the cyber “super highway” of love working for you.
- The truth about birth stones and astrological “remedies” to bring you love.
- What THE BUDDHA would say about improving your marriage karma.
- How to quickly tell if he’s HUSBAND MATERIAL or a big bozo (by the first or second date – before you lose your heart or mind).
- Find out if you’re a “SOUP KITCHEN GIRL” or a “BANQUET BABE” – and how it can actually be sabotaging your efforts to meet a great man.
- The top 6 categories of spiritual tricks to draw love to you, and a list of resources to access and apply them all – in ancient times these were considered SACRED SECRETS, hidden from the masses and only given to those who paid tons of money or spent years in the service of a spiritual master (but lucky you… you’ll have total access to these through this program).
- Why your brain gets stuck on the wrong men – and how to stop doing this from now on.
- The top 2 questions to ask yourself when trying to decide if a man is THE ONE or not – knowing these can seriously save your “you-know-what.”
- How to heal the regrets, disappointments, and pain of your romantic past, and actually be glad for all your heartbreak.
- Uncover your Achilles’ Heel in love and what you need to do to fix it, so that you can STOP self-defeating behaviors and habits with men. (Like falling for BAD ones!)
- And so much more…
– Christian Carter, mega best-selling author of the eBook, Catch Him And Keep Him, and expert on what women MUST know to “catch and keep” a great man.
– Rhonda Britten, author of four books including Fearless Living and Fearless Loving, Emmy-Winning Life Coach of NBC’s “Starting Over,” and founder of The Fearless Living Institute.
– Arielle Ford, former power publicist for best-selling authors such as Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsh, Jack Canfield, and Mark Victor Hansen, and author of seven spiritual books including, The Soulmate Secret – Attract The Love Of Your Life With The Law Of Attraction.
They shared truly empowering wisdom (you’ll laugh – you’ll cry!), including:- Why there’s nothing you can do to make a man who doesn’t want a relationship want one with you – even if he REALLY likes you. (You can stop thinking it’s because you’re so unlovable…whew.)
- The ways fear disguises itself (so you don’t even know you’re afraid!), and how to spot and STOP yours from messing up your love life.
- The amazing truth that you can choose or not choose to have love in your life – it’s up to you no matter what your stars say.
- Why you must judge your experiences with men on facts and not feelings – and how to do this so you can stop making things up that aren’t true and that get you into trouble with men…
- The top reasons men are afraid to commit – and how to inspire the one you want to happily get past his fears and commit to you!
- How to naturally discover a man’s feelings about big “bugaboo” topics like MONOGAMY, MARRIAGE, and CHILDREN – without asking him directly or putting him “on the spot.”
- The most effective way to ramp up your emotions to lure love to you.
- Why hoping a man likes you will practically guarantee that HE WON’T.
- What makes a man fall in love with a woman and what you need to do to allow him to fall in love with you (lots of women screw this one up…).
How To Tell If This Program Is Right For You
However… If you’re single and you don’t want to be, then “Single Syndrome” is for you.
Ask yourself:- If you want to know what none of your friends can tell you about being single that’s BEYOND your conscious awareness – the astrological forces that are keeping you single and what you can do about them…
- If doing what worked for “everyone else” isn’t working for you…
- If you keep making the same mistakes over and over with men, and don’t know how to stop…
- If you’ve been in relationships on and off for years, and are starting to feel like you’ll never find the one guy for you…
- If you can’t seem to get past a few dates with a guy before he withdraws or stops calling…
- If you can’t believe how long it’s been since you’ve been in a good relationship, and don’t know what to do anymore…
- If you’re afraid that you’re getting “too comfortable” being single and have pretty much given up trying, but deep down you feel lonely and scared you may be alone forever…
- If you’re tired of the “dating scene,” or meeting guys online, have had a lot of heartbreak, and want to know how to find a great man without spending a lot more time and energy feeling frustrated and disappointed by love…
What Makes This Program Unique…

1. The astrological ways your personality has affected your behavior, choices, and reactions in ways that have kept you single… and what to do about it all.
2. The very best psychology-based, “real-world” findings about dating, attraction, where to meet men, what men want and need, how to know if a man is a “relationship man” or not, and so much more…
3. The very best spiritual tools and “tricks” to help you use the Law of Attraction to draw love in your life, get past your limiting beliefs that are blocking your heart, break your energetic connection with men from your past, heal your “energy body,” chakras, and “past-life karma” to bring your “ideal other” to you… and know what’s “mumbo-jumbo” and what’s real from the mystical side of it all…
I can honestly say I’ve never seen a program like this that includes advice, suggestions, and winning strategies from contemporary, secular, spiritual and astrological perspectives.It’s a winning combination to help you “date to your destiny” and “change your fate to mate…” (Okay, I’ll shut up now with the bad New-Age puns…)
Because I want as many women as possible to benefit from this program, I’ve decided to price this program at only 5 easy payments of $29.97 for the audio version or 5 easy payments of $39.97 for the video version. (For a slight extra fee of $4.99 you can also order the CD or DVD versions if you prefer to have a hard copy of the program.) Both versions come with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…
Don’t Decide Now… Try My “Single Syndrome” Program For 30 Days
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What Real Women Have to Say About "Single Syndrome":
“Carol’s relationship techniques are honestly the best I’ve ever seen anywhere. I think Carol’s techniques are good for everybody – people who have been married 20 years, people who are dating, people who have given up, people that are hopeful but just need a little bit of a boost… I honestly think her advice covers the whole gambit… I loved all the guest speakers… Arielle Ford is a genius in her field and Rhonda Britten is fearless. Christian Carter was fantastic. He really offers a viewpoint of men that we don’t normally hear. I loved Christian Carter’s gossip technique for meeting people. I thought that was really smart.”
- Linda – Los Angeles, CA
“I learned so many things from this seminar! I learned the combination of archetypes that I am and it just blew me away. I didn’t realize the pain that I had, that I’m going to need to work through before I find love… I flew out here from Nebraska… It was worth every single penny of the cost of the flight, of the hotel room, of the taxis, of the shuttle buses – everything. The money you would pay for these CD’s is well worth the price.”
- Jane – North Platte, NE
“I’m actually in a new relationship right now, so when I heard about this seminar I thought it would be a really cool idea to come because I want to stay in this really cool relationship… One of my favorite things that she says is that rejection is God’s protection, so I don’t take rejection that bad… Carol really changed my life as far as how I look at relationships. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to better themselves or just live more positively, and have better relationships with people overall.”
- Isabel – Valencia, CA
“I got some really amazing dating advice out of this! I recently broke up with my fiance and I was really able to get some closure, look at the relationship and realize it’s the best thing I ever did for myself… Carol Allen is so inspirational, so loving and warm, and has such a beautiful energy and the kindest heart… I learned ways to clear my past, to get the ex. out of my life, stop thinking about him and stop keeping him present in my every day. I learned how to date. I learned to keep looking to what I want and really visualizing that… and how to make that a reality. I actually was sitting here today thinking, oh, I should have brought some of my girlfriends with me… they would get so much out of this! As I’ve said, Carol is absolutely amazing, so brilliant and so inspiring and I think a lot of my girlfriends who would get so much out of this. I think this would be great for anyone.”
- Rebecca – Los Angeles, CA
“I’m very excited about Carol Allen and her program and I was even more excited today to be able to come in person see her and hear her speak along with the many guest speakers… Her information is very valuable to me. I feel like I’ve probably gone to about a whole semester of college classes today… She has a good grasp on helping me to better understand and to know that it’s not me… it’s just not the right time. I just need to work on improving myself, so when the right guy does come along then I’m better prepared and I don’t scare him away.”
- Stephanie, California
“I learned a lot! I enjoyed all the guest speakers, they were incredible. But I particularly enjoyed Arielle… She was very inspirational and had a lot of good information on how to go about creating change in your life. I would recommend it to virtually anybody because I think it has more to do with relationships at large than just specifically single girlfriends. The information is applicable to everyone that wants to have a better relationship, better communication, understand people better… Carol’s style is just very relaxed, very funny!
- Annetta – San Franscisco, CA
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