The Celestial Bundle

Forget the horoscopes at the back of glossy magazines. If you want to know your true romantic destiny, I’ll teach you the powerful wisdom of Vedic astrology that has been used to arrange marriages in India for ages. I’ll also call on my army of enlightened experts to help you make the most of your life and love life.

If you’re serious about attracting your soulmate and making it last a lifetime, then I’m here to make the journey as fun and rewarding as possible. I’ll teach you the perfect marriage of astrological insight and real-world relationship know-how to claim the love that’s meant for you. I call it the “will and grace” of love.

Signs of Compatibility

How To Use Little-Known, But Incredibly Powerful Astrological Truths To Understand Everything You Need To Know About A Man INSTANTLY…

So Lasting Love Will Be Effortless

If you want a real understanding of the people you care about, and want smoother, happier, more rewarding relationships, and want to know which relationships to focus on in the first place, and would like to take the “blame and shame” out of the troubles you may have gone through in the past,
and want to create more creative, productive, and fulfilling connections with everyone you love in the present and future – especially that special man in your life – then this is for you…

Single Syndrome

If You’re Still Single and Almost Ready to Give Up on Love, Then Get Ready to Discover How Your Astrological Archetype Is Keeping You from Finding and Keeping a Great Guy… And What You Need to Do to FINALLY Find and Keep Mr. Right

If you’re not great at meeting men, flirting, or internet dating, but you’re confident and happy with your life, then you still might have a really hard time meeting a great guy because you won’t know how to spark his interest or even where to find him in the first place.
So you’ll need to learn certain “outer skills” like where exactly to go to run into a lot of available men, how to flirt effectively, how to set clear boundaries, and how to spark intense attraction in a man. Therefore, in “Single Syndrome” I not only help you discover and overcome the love-blocking forces of your archetype, I also cover the best “real-world” advice about men, dating, and attraction, along with the best “spiritual tools” you can employ to ramp up your love life….

Astrological Attraction

Discover How To Make A Man Feel an Intense Spiritual Connection With You… The Kind of Soulmate “Knowing” That Lasts A Lifetime

In this program, I cover TONS of juicy stuff to help you go from feeling like you have no control over your romantic relationships – or that the men in your life have all the power, or the Universe does – to YOU being in control of attracting and connecting with who you want…

What Men Want

Discover What Men (Of Any Sign) Really Want and Need From You To Feel Close And Connected From Now On…

Stand out from all other women in a man’s mind by knowing how to “speak his language,” and truly understand him. Uncover the confidence that comes from knowing how to respond to him in every situation in such a way that he can’t help but be impressed… and want to keep you around forever.

Soulmate Secrets

Even If The Stars Say You Are Perfectly Compatible, You Could Ruin Your Relationship With Your Soulmate... Unless You Know These Essential Lifelong Secrets That Will Guarantee You Lifelong Love and Commitment

This program is literally all my best advice that my clients have been using (and paying big bucks for) for YEARS. In fact, it first started as a “refresher” course for my clients, so they could take what I told them in their private sessions and replay them over at over at home, so they can make sure to benefit from all they’ve learned. I’ll teach you the most common relationship traps that couples fall into – the top issues I’ve heard from my years of working with women and their relationships, and how to AVOID THEM entirely. This will help you solve the problems you’re having in the present, prevent problems in the future, and stay close and connected through life’s challenges. But even more important than solving your problems, I’ll teach you how to create that “Soulmate feeling’” all the time… So you’ll feel so good together and have so much goodwill between you that you don’t have to worry about “solving” anything ever again!

Make Every Man Your Hero

What Would It Do For Your Life If Every Man You Knew Was Suddenly On Your Side? If They Were Helpful, Supportive, Thoughtful, And Even HAPPY When You Were Around? And If From Now On, Every Important Man You Met Were, Too, Because You Knew JUST How To Be With Them In Such A Way That Inspired Their Best?

I’ve made it my business to understand ALL THINGS MEN. No matter their sign or astrology chart. And I’m just amazed at how many otherwise bright and successful women don’t “speak man.” So they don’t get them, don’t know how to deal with them, and don’t make the most of their relationships with men – if they have them at all. If you don’t “speak man,” odds are you unknowingly put men off, push them away, make them angry or shut down, and often end up disappointed in the entire male species. Sigh… If that’s you – then help is here…
Order the Celestial Bundle Here

About Carol Allen: Vedic Astrologer and Relationship Coach

As a Vedic astrologer and relationship coach who’s been happily married since 1997, Carol Allen has made it her mission to show women how the stars combined with their own right actions can help them make the most of their love lives. Her methods are a unique marriage of East and West, combining her training in the astrology of India with cutting-edge, real-world relationship research.

Carol’s been featured on E!, Bridezillas, EXTRA, and in Chicken Soup For The Soul and Woman's World. Dr. Drew called Carol’s advice “Profound” on his TV show, “LifeChangers” and Daily Candy said Carol is “Cooler than Karma.”​

She is the author of Love Is In The Stars - The Wise Woman's Astrological Guide To Men.

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